Inilah Drummer-Drummer Terbaik Di Dunia

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Inilah Drummer-Drummer Terbaik Di Dunia

1) Travis Barker (Blink 182, Plus 44)

“Three words; Travis Barker, Youtube, and Souja’ Boy Crank That!”

2) Yoshiki Hayashi

“great skill!”

3) Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan (Avenged Sevenfold)

“Great Hit Drummer”

4) Neil Peart (Rush)

“The quickest and most percise drummer in the world sorry Lars Ulrich but your good to. Sure Shannon Leto can go fast but he can’t make it sound good and deliver the power of Peart.”

5) Joey Jordison (Slipknot)

“Have you seen the videos for his solos?”

6) John Bonham (Led Zeppelin)

“You see, and you will be know”

7) Lars Ulrich (Metallica)

“the best! 30 second to mars people go listenn to master of puppets!”

8) Shannon Leto (30 Seconds to Mars)

“A GOD of drumming. no matter what!”

9) Shinya (Dir en grey)

“OMFG! Shinya rocks! Shinya is on of the bestest drummers alive!”

10) Danny Carey (Tool)
“Danny Carey has a very cool way of playing with his
polyrythms and time signatures and he just rocks My favorite songs with him are Reflection, Lateralus.Right in Two, and Ticks and Leeches.” 

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